First Blooms

drawn forth by warm sunrays tender rosebuds unfurl for old friendships rekindled and new friendships that bloom

Spirits of the Storm

vital energies of strengthening sunlight drive downpours that drench an awakened landscape in life affirming waters, droplets tumbling through thunderous air, spirits of the elements combining in passionate consummation Does anyone else see a freaky face in those clouds or is it just me? This post is for day 341 of 365 Days Wild.

Celebrations of Life

for the bluebells celebrate their ephemeral existences upon the land of bone and creeping earthworm, drawing life from amidst death, drawing hope from amidst pain: nature’s joy surrounding cold stone On day 345 of 365 Days Wild I walked the loop of lanes around the outskirts of the village. It was cloudy, but the sun … More Celebrations of Life


take time to weep for what is gone,
for what has fallen by the wayside, grieve
each petal torn to earth by uncaring storms, … More Weep

The Chiming of Bells

can you hear the sound of ringing bells, summoning quickening spirits to frolic in sunbeams scattered by a fickle sun, with wings aflutter, paired pirouettes arise in twining flight to a sound embodying joy On day 305 of 365 Days Wild I spent some time with the first bluebells of the year that are just … More The Chiming of Bells

Denied Impetus

as days tread steadily on in uneasy repetition of denied impetus; when the urge to move, to get up and go, builds with the warmth of the strengthening sun; as a longing to explore new places, to tread new ground, to see new faces, grows * the time will come soon * for now, plant … More Denied Impetus

Flowers in Snow

as chill days bury hopes of self expression beneath drifting snowflakes and icicle sharp winds slice deep, raking with claws of unavoidable hardship, then inner strength blooms with the deceptive fragility of snowdrops, for a beautiful soul can still flourish even in the bitter grip of adversity The sight of flowers in the snow is … More Flowers in Snow

Icicle Claws

hooked claws tear at icy constraints, captive souls, eager for freedom, awaiting warmer days sure to come Day 237 of 365 Days Wild was cold and frosty, but sadly lacking in the snow that seemed to fall everywhere except our little corner of Nottinghamshire. There were a few wonderful little baby icicles trying to grow … More Icicle Claws