Icicle Claws

hooked claws tear at icy constraints, captive souls, eager for freedom, awaiting warmer days sure to come Day 237 of 365 Days Wild was cold and frosty, but sadly lacking in the snow that seemed to fall everywhere except our little corner of Nottinghamshire. There were a few wonderful little baby icicles trying to grow … More Icicle Claws

Step by Step

gain insight in ascent

awakening emotions stultified

by society’s strictures


gain closure in descent

revisiting issues locked within

subconscious crypts


gain wisdom with each step

overcoming life’s adversities

so true joy can be found … More Step by Step

Out of the Darkness

darkness creeps sticky tendrils dragging ever deeper into the depths of fear and hate and hopelessness desolation clinging with tar-like viscosity * but don’t give up * glimpse the light that lies ahead  encompassing hope of better times to come leave the darkness behind and embrace the future’s bright promise * don’t give up * never give … More Out of the Darkness