Spring Paths

verdant growth,
fresh, electric, vital,
thrilling senses to awaken … More Spring Paths

Celebrations of Life

for the bluebells celebrate their ephemeral existences upon the land of bone and creeping earthworm, drawing life from amidst death, drawing hope from amidst pain: nature’s joy surrounding cold stone On day 345 of 365 Days Wild I walked the loop of lanes around the outskirts of the village. It was cloudy, but the sun … More Celebrations of Life

Spring Treasure

treasures found in blossoming growth as rain clouds pass beneath multihued promises of future sunbeams This post is for day 297 of 365 Days Wild.

Icicle Claws

hooked claws tear at icy constraints, captive souls, eager for freedom, awaiting warmer days sure to come Day 237 of 365 Days Wild was cold and frosty, but sadly lacking in the snow that seemed to fall everywhere except our little corner of Nottinghamshire. There were a few wonderful little baby icicles trying to grow … More Icicle Claws

Hope Shines

dark clouds obscure, shadows cast over dreaming landscapes; hope shines through This post is for day 118 of 365 Days Wild.


embodiments of spirit, aglow
as dawn light encapsulated
in delicate spheres; a fragile
beauty so easily broken, so
easily lost: handle with care … More Droplets

Awaiting Amity

a solitary figure, she stands: wild spirit encapsulated in a flair of individuality, greater for her innovation; lonely all the same – she awaits amity This single, lonely flower stem stands at the meadow’s heart. It is Greater Knapweed (Centaurea Scabiosa), the more flamboyant cousin of the Common Knapweed that dominates the NW end of … More Awaiting Amity

Cloudy Skies

a glimmer of light a moment of joy an awakening of hope Cloudy skies never keep me home, but a glimpse of the sun makes everything so much better. So… it seems I’m doing 365 Days Wild, after all. That makes this day 31’s Random Act of Wildness. I’m going to try and make this … More Cloudy Skies

Midsummer Dawn

*sound on* dawn-lit insects dance upon sunbeams as birds raise their voices in song; like a dream forgotten upon awakening, a forlorn spirit aches for ancient magicks, tantalisingly close: an eager heart cries, ‘reach out’


positivity purchased in shining pennies scattered upon dawn-kissed green, innocent joy freely paid from a poor-man’s purse These flowers, like most of wildflowers, have a fascinatingly wide variety of names. Scientifically they’re called Leucanthemum vulgare, but they’re more commonly known as the ox-eye (or oxeye) daisy or the dog daisy. Other names include: field daisy, … More Pennies


follow a trail of sunbeams
into the veiling mist of lies
and deception that seeks
to obscure each ancient
truth held sacred within
ancestral bones; watch
in awe as full illumination
is achieved, revealing an
existence alight with joy … More Illumination

View Through the Mist

a new era dawns in a haze of fear and uncertainty the world’s potential veiled by hatred’s profitability I actually wrote this poem on New Year’s Day, when I headed out for an early walk despite it being dull, overcast, and uninspiring for photography. These pictures, on the other hand, were all taken earlier this … More View Through the Mist


echoes of years passed in fleeting moments of remembered joy and heartache decoupaged upon skin in earthly keepsakes to carry into eternity’s embrace

Washed Clean

bathe in autumnal rains until old worries and fears and concerns tumble free in swirls of green and gold and russet tones baring branches to wild skies whilst roots delve deep in search of secret truths Yesterday, I spent some time with an autumn leaf.   Yes, it’s the leaf that Hex brought me.

Equinox Blessings

the tribe gathers to the sound of beating drums wild energy rising higher as equinox blessings dance upon twilight air currents and restless hearts balance upon the turning wheel standing poised in readiness as they await the approaching darkness and the secrets held within the ancient tales of the crone heard whispered whilst wreathed in … More Equinox Blessings


curl bare toes in damp grass * open mind * awaken senses to petrichorous breezes * open heart * stride forwards in defiance of rainclouds * open soul


unlimited possibilities held suspended a question unanswered balanced on the threshold between past and future life and death love and hate as potential joy and unresisting passivity await the swinging of a gate

The Spirit of the Fox

beware the creeping fox wily foe ready to pounce * embrace the cautious fox cunning ally swift to adapt * follow the persistent fox wise mentor advising patience

Owl Flight

glide with piercing gaze sheering through vapid illusion as the night’s deep mysteries reveal themselves within verdant wells of feminine intuition Last week we visited Burnby Hall Gardens, in Yorkshire. It was a beautiful place. I particularly enjoyed wandering around the stumpery, where these pictures were all taken. The many unturned tree stumps, all covered … More Owl Flight


pirouette amidst the blooms as vibrant sunlight streams on through illuminating dull endeavours into joy Take a seat, there, upon the path, beside the Granny’s Bonnets. There’s a buzzing, sound coming from amidst the sunlit flowers. There’s a bee – you know there is, even if it remains hidden from sight. You strain your eyes … More Dance

The Journey

don’t give up with every step your destination grows nearer I’ve spent a few mornings at the meadow recently, photographing the flowers and the insects and the birds. And anything else that catches my eye! I found this little creature particularly fascinating to watch. It was very determined to reach the edge of the daisy. … More The Journey