December Sunset

On day 190 of 365 Days Wild I went out for a sunset walk.

Sunset is currently at 3:45pm. One of the good things about this time of year is that it is very easy to watch the sun set, but, on the downside, there aren’t many afternoon hours in which to get out for photography. I did snap a few pictures whilst the light was in its golden hour, however.

The growth along the dyke has been cut back, revealing a tree stump in the far side that is covered in bracket fungi. I squelched through the mud until I managed to get close enough for a few shots, though my position was a little too precarious, and the dyke a little too full of water, for me to try to take any more!

As generally tends to be the case, my walk took me into the meadow where I wandered for a while, snapping photos whenever something caught my eye. I spent a little while with one of the young trees, where droplets were clinging onto the tips of branches that were being colonised by lichen.

The hedgerow at the western edge of the meadow is always a good place for photography at this time of day / year. I particularly like the view over the paddock next door towards the house known as The Retreat.

I left the meadow and returned to the lane just as the sunset colour began to develop in the sky.

Sunset was beautifully golden.

I did hope that there might be some nice post-sunset pinks developing but, other than a staining of the eastern sky as I walked home through the village, these, unfortunately, didn’t manifest.

That’s all for today. Have you been out for a sunset walk recently

9 thoughts on “December Sunset

  1. with it getting dark by 530, 7 seems so late. last night the sunset where i live was quite impressive with the sky looking like it was on fire! yes i did get photos and may post them latter.

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    1. It’s only a couple more weeks now until the days start getting longer. It’ll be nice to have a little more time in which to be out and about.
      Feel free to share a link when you post your sunset pics. I’m trying to get around everyone’s blogs but it’s very slow going!
      Thanks for visiting and commenting, Buddy. 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Gorgeous photos.
    It was a hard frost here in Southampton this morning and foggy too, but I was too busy to be able to get out unfortunately. I wish we lived more in the country than in the suburbs of the city, but it is possible to get some good photos around our local area.
    Hoping it’s dry at the weekend so we can get out into the countryside again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Tony. I’m lucky to be back living in the countryside now but I spent several years living in and around Lincoln. It’s always possible to find things to photograph, even in an urban area, but it’s definitely much easier out in the villages! I hope you have a pleasant weekend that you can get out and about in. 😊

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  3. I prefer to take my daily walk at sunset. December sunsets are so lovely, and they’re early enough to see too, rather than being near bedtime 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love getting out for a summer sunset but I don’t manage it often enough. I actually find it much easier to get out for dawn – even when that’s at 4 in the morning. The best thing about December is how easy it is to watch sunset. 😊

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