Wisdom of the Crone

for mine will be the wisdom of the Crone * she who walks the hedge lines and liminal spaces with back bowed and bare feet rooted * custodian of the secrets of the earth she is at one with crooked trees and lurking spirits * gathering winter’s fears in forage she brews ancestral knowledge into … More Wisdom of the Crone

TLT: Waiting

Waiting “Why are you here?” he asked, even though he knew the answer. “I’m waiting for you.” Her heels clunked against the cabinet in a familiar rhythm. “I’ll wait forever if I have to.” “I won’t be long now.” Ephemeral fingers traced his aged cheek before she faded from view. This post is for Sonya’s Three Line … More TLT: Waiting

TLT: The Sands of Time

This post is for Sonya’s Three Line Tales challenge. The Sands of Time The sand flows steadily on: seconds, minutes, hours… building into days, weeks, years… Memories of childhood joy lies smothered beneath arid desert. Still, enough time remains to build sandcastles before the glass turns once more.