Rainy Day Wander

Day 149 of 365 Days Wild was yet another rainy day. We seem to have had quite a lot of those lately! It didn’t, however, stop me from getting out for a wander.

Rainy days, unfortunately, mean a lack of light, and these conditions mean that my phone camera struggles somewhat. I took a few views from the lanes, but they were very dull and uninspiring.

Once I arrived at the nature project my attention was drawn to the wet, golden leaves on the ground and that are now adorning many of the trees.

The little spindle tree, too, was looking lovely, bejeweled with raindrops.

I also spotted a new patch of toadstools in the northern corner of the meadow. These are larger and much taller than any I’ve spotted before. I haven’t yet managed to identify them, but I do plan to keep on trying to do so.

To finish, I finally caught a glimpse of the trio of young swans that are living on the dyke that feeds into the pond. It’s not a great picture, but, yay!

That’s all for today. Have you been out on any nature walks recently? I’d love to know.

2 thoughts on “Rainy Day Wander

    1. You’re welcome, Kellie. I’m very glad you like them. I try to get out for a nature walk every day when I can and toadstools are one of my favourite things to spot! 😊

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