Toadstools, Toadstools, Everywhere

Newly emerging, but what will it be?

On day 140 of 365 Days Wild I went on a toadstool hunt around the meadow and woodland.

I’m not entirely certain whether there are actually a lot more toadstools about this year than there have been in previous,  or whether I’m just noticing them more because I’m spending so much time out and about. Whichever it may be, there are definitely a lot of them.

Sulphur Tuft fungus (Hypholoma fasciculare)

I’ve tried to identify everything that I’ve spotted, but just how accurate these identifications are is another matter entirely.  I don’t identify in order to eat the mushrooms that I find, so if I’m mistaken, there’s no harm done. If you do decide to forage for wild mushrooms, be absolutely, 100% certain before you eat anything. Many edible toadstools have poisonous look-a-likes.

This collection of pictures are of a toadstool that I’ve struggled to identify. They’re popping up in a number of places, both around the meadow and in the little woodland. The closest match that I’ve so far managed to find are Poisonpie toadstools (Hebeloma crustuliniforme).

I think this next little toadstool might be either a Scurfy Twiglet (Tubaria furfuracea) or a Scurfy Deceiver (Laccaria proxima), though I’m not entirely convinced by either identification. Scurfy refers to the slightly scaly texture of the cap, which is a defining feature of both. My references aren’t extensive, so there might be other similar species that I’m unaware of.

I spotted this lovely little clump of pink toadstools in the little woodland area, down near the stream. I think they might be Rosy Bonnet fungus (Mycena rosea).

I’m quite certain that this next toadstool is a member of the Parasola family. I’m most drawn to the Pleated Inkcap (Parasola plicatis) but the Bald Inkcap (Parasola leiocephala) is very similar. I didn’t photograph the gills, unfortunately, which would have given me more defining features to identify it from.

There are a number of little clumps of Bonnet toadstools popping up around the woodland as well. While I’m certain these are of the mycenaceae family, narrowinig down further is difficult. I’m currently thinking these ones might possibly be Mycena galopus or Mycena vitilis, which are both woodland rather than grassland species, but several other family members are very similar and they can often only be distinguished between through a microscope. It’s possible that each clump is a different species

I think this next toadstool might be an Ugly Milkcap (Lactarius turpis). There were at least three of these growing, plus one upturned, amongst the brambles down near the stream in the little woodland. There may have been more. They were very well camouflaged by the leaf litter, and the brambles made getting close enough to look a bit difficult. I managed to gain a few new scratches taking these pictures!

This Scaly Earthball (Scleroderma verrucosum) was much easier to snap a picture of.

Back in the meadow again I spotted a cluster of toadstools that I think might be Field Mushrooms (Agaricus campestris).

To finish, here’s a picture of a toadstool that I can never resist photographing – a Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria). This species has definitely been very prolific in the little woodland this year.

That’s all for today. Are there any fungi growing where you are?

9 thoughts on “Toadstools, Toadstools, Everywhere

  1. There are definitely far more than usual this year and really, unless you are a would be expert, or seeking to forage for food, it doesn’t matter what they are. Most are really beautiful works of art, although, as in all of nature, there are some ugly ones too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve always loved toadstools and I’ve always before just shared them as ‘a toadstool’, but I’ve always felt like I ought to try to identify them. This year, with having so much time on my hands with being furloughed, I thought I’d finally make the effort to do so! They are definitely little works of art – even the ugly ones.

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  2. if you are using your phone to take the photos, maybe a selfie stick might help keep you from getting scratches in the brambles. if you dont have a “real” camera, maybe it is time to get a nice point and shoot since you seem to be out and about more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do actually have a good DSLR camera. I used it for all of my photography until a year and a half ago when my back got really bad (slipped disk and spinal stenosis – very painful). Carting it, plus lenses, out and about became a bit impossible. I probably ought to try using it now I’ve improved, but I’ve got very used to the ease of my phone. My dad gave me his point and shoot to use for a while, but my phone actually takes better pictures! As for a selfie stick, I’m not sure it would really work. I’m very particular about the focal point in my pictures. I used to use the manual focus on my DSLR, and on my phone I have to keep tapping at the screen until it gets it right. I have to be quite close to do that. Quite frequently that’s in the way of brambles!


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