Dolls’ House

Photo prompt: Dmiti Popov

There were times when Sylvina felt like merely a figure in a dolls’ house, her whole life dictated by the whims of others. But enough was enough. She refused to be merely a decorative toy any longer – it was time for her to take control of the game.

This post is for Sonya’s Three Line Tales. This week’s prompt is by Dmitri Popov.

In case anyone is interested, the character of Sylvina is actually from my NaNoWriMo novel – which means that writing this actually added to my word count. Yay!

21 thoughts on “Dolls’ House

    1. It definitely would wear mine thin! My first thought when I saw the picture was ‘Urgh. It look’s like a dolls’ house!’ – which led to this week’s three lines!

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  1. You push someone too much and eventually they will take control of their own destiny and I believe she has reached that breaking point. Great story and take on the prompt.


    1. Thank you. 🙂 Nano is going well, though I am still playing catch up. I didn’t actually decide to join in this year until Nov 4th, and then I had several long days of work where I only managed to write a few hundred words. I’m steadily narrowing the gap between me and the daily target, though. I’m glad you liked the TLT. 🙂


    1. Thank you, Cybele. 🙂 I can take credit for the story but not the image. That’s the prompt provided for the challenge – though I agree that it’s a great picture. 🙂


    1. Thanks, Lynn. 🙂 I’m still playing catch up with Nano, but the gap between me and the daily targets is slowly reducing. Today’s target in 25,000 words and I’ve just hit 16,000… Deciding to take part when we were already several days into the month probably wasn’t my best idea!

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      1. Let the totals slip and it becomes a tough call, doesn’t it?Still half of the month to go, though, and whatever you achieve is still thousands of words more than you started the month with. Good luck with it 🙂


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