Rainy Day Wander

Day 149 of 365 Days Wild was yet another rainy day. We seem to have had quite a lot of those lately! It didn’t, however, stop me from getting out for a wander. Rainy days, unfortunately, mean a lack of light, and these conditions mean that my phone camera struggles somewhat. I took a few … More Rainy Day Wander

Cee’s Which Way Challenge 2015: Week #34 – The Old Railway Bridge

A sedate path idles where mighty engines once roared.  The bridge stands lonely sentinel, holding memories of its glory days in unloved brick-work. This post is for Cee’s Which Way Challenge. The photograph was taken in Newark on Trent (Nottinghamshire, UK) along the path of the old railway line. The railway itself closed in 1988 and since then … More Cee’s Which Way Challenge 2015: Week #34 – The Old Railway Bridge

Cee’s Which Way Challenge 2015: Week #14 – The Brick Lined Path

Kicking at the stones that lie in your way, you walk the lane as it winds between freshly ploughed fields. The path is worn and uneven from the passage of countless feet, rutted and torn by tractors and cars. Bricks line the way, providing a modicum of stability – but even they are crumbling. Birdsong … More Cee’s Which Way Challenge 2015: Week #14 – The Brick Lined Path

Photography 101 – Bliss

Woodland Walk I walk… the woodland paths as autumn casts its golden charm. Releasing all negativity, Senses spread wide. I see… the trunks of mighty trees, branches stretching skyward, sifting morning sunlight as if through finest lace. I hear… cascading notes of birdsong, an air-borne symphony, complementing the rustling foliage of creatures passing by. I … More Photography 101 – Bliss