The Sound of Drums

This post is for the Miniature Writing Challenge run by An Artist At Heart. This challenge gives a picture and  a short story prompt and asks that you write either a mini short story (50 – 150 words), a poem or a haiku (3 lines, 17 syllables). To read the full rules, go here. This week’s prompt is music.


The Sound of Drums


A steady tattoo

The universal heartbeat

Joined in rhythmic harmony


In quickening intricacies

Feet flying

Emotions spiralling higher

Breathless laughter cascading free

A voice in your soul


You’re home

This poem was inspired by a group of drummers who performed at Alchemy, a grassroots festival in Lincolnshire that I like to attend each year. Gathering to listen around the bonfire, surrounded by a host of like minded people laughing and dancing and enjoying themselves, gave such a wonderful sense of community that I had to capture it in a poem. Unfortunately I’ve since mislaid the notepad that the original poem was written in but the emotions engendered remained to be recaptured today.

I did want to include a picture of the drummers but I don’t seem to have any. I never take my good camera along to festivals as I don’t want to risk damaging it and last year was the first time I tried to use my phone camera.  I only took a handful of shots and most of them are unusable. There is one picture that I took, however, that I’m quite fond of despite the noise and the blur – I like to think that it looks quite arty! The fire display on the Saturday evening is always one of my favourite parts of the festival and this performer was the most impressive of the group.

Breathing Fire

7 thoughts on “The Sound of Drums

    1. I love listening to drums – at least when they’re played well. There was someone in a tent near us one year who kept practising his drums (at all hours of the day) and he couldn’t keep a rhythm going at all!

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