FFfAW: A Reluctant Return

This post if for the Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers (FFfAW) Challenge, run by Priceless Joy. I haven’t joined in with this one before but thought i’d give it a go this week. I hope you like it.

Photo Prompt – from Pixabay.com

A Reluctant Return

“Mummy, can I ride the train? Please?”

Julia had once sworn she’d never return to the fair – there were too many unpleasant memories. She should’ve known that promise couldn’t last. The minute he’d spotted the rides, heard the blaring music, Timmy had begun asking to go.

“Of course you can, sweetie.”

She couldn’t refuse him anything. Unlike her own father.

Her father had disapproved of her relationship with Connor, had forbade her from leaving with him. She thought she’d known what she wanted.

Now Connor was long gone and the only good thing he’d left her was her son. Timmy’s shrieks of joy as he rode the train began to ease the pain and resentment in her heart.

She did have good memories of the fair too…

Her eyes trailed to the tent within which her father would be performing. His setup might have changed over the years but she’d know the design of his clown face anywhere.

Maybe it was time Timmy met his grandfather. Maybe it was time for her to come home.

Word Count: 175

To check out other entries or to add your own, click on the little blue frog.


39 thoughts on “FFfAW: A Reluctant Return

  1. I love this Louise. I love heart-touching “coming home” stories and I think Timmy is going to love his clown grandfather. Thank you so much for joining the challenge this week. I hope you have a pleasant experience and return for more. You are an excellent story teller and writer!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, PJ. I enjoyed writing this – though it took me a while to wrestle down into the word limit! It really wanted to be a much longer piece. I look forward to seeing what future prompts you share with us. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. They say certain talents can run within families, and I think Timmy will be pleased to see his grandfather.
    Like Joy wrote, a wonderful “coming home” story, and very well written, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think Timmy and his grandfather are going to get along wonderfully! I can definitely see Timmy someday joining the family business. I’m very glad you enjoyed reading. 🙂

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    1. I originally included their reunion scene but had to cut it to stay within the word limit! This story really wanted to be a longer piece…. that I may well write properly if I find the time. I’ve been thinking of putting together a collection of short stories for a while now… Thanks for visiting!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Me too. 🙂 I remember reading once that 50% of creativity occurs in the mind of the reader, as they interpret the words and imagine scenes that are merely hinted at in the actual text. I think this is even more important in flash fiction. 🙂

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      2. Definitely, I agree! A novel needs some form of conclusion even if it leaves questions unanswered for a sequel. Flash fiction can allow the readers to finish the story. It’s part of the fun 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  3. I love what you did in this story!! I had started writing on a fair with bad results of course, (I see to enjoy dark) but yours truly made me smile…the reader can hope and imagine a loving relationship with grandfather.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This is so beautiful and refreshing! ❤

    To me, she doesn't regret having Timmy, but she recognizes that love isn't just giving into whatever your child wants; she recognizes the good intentions her own father had all those years ago when he'd told her "no." Now it's time for forgiveness and freedom from the painful chains of the past. Time for Timmy to meet grandpa!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Short, brief and beautiful story. I love how you ended it without particularly give the readers the final decision. I vote, Timmy sees his grandfather, 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Parents generally have a good reason for saying ‘No.’ It’s just sometimes hard to understand the reasons until you’re a parent, or at least a grown up, yourself. Thanks for reading. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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