Beyond the Fence

 gaze out past the fence line

to the wilder land beyond

 to where the beasts roam

through the twilight glow and

birds sing farewell to the day

each creature knows their role

within the choreography of life

and as you gaze out, you know

the wild possibities of your own


I’m still staying through at my parents’ house at the moment, and I’ve quickly slipped back into my old habit of spending some time at the end of the day down at the bottom of the garden, watching the sun sink below the horizon. Whilst I love the view from the top of the Lincolnshire Ridge at sunset, the view over this field holds an unchanging place in my heart – even when the sunsets themselves aren’t the most impressive ones.

The added bonus of being down by the fence at this time of day is that sunset is the time when the cattle tend to make their way back to the barn for a while. Most of the day they spend on the far side of the field,so this is a good opportunity to snap a few photos. Each day they’re getting a bit braver and a few more are approaching me at the fence to say ‘hello’.

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