Web of Light


shadows retreat

as hope’s golden glow


the pervasive web of negativity

and joy shines through

I was going to post this picture as yesterday’s Wordless Wednesday, but then the words came into my head and insisted on being included, so I thought I’d save it for today instead.

As most of you probably know by now, I’m currently in the middle of NaNoWriMo, writing 50,000 words of a YA steampunk fantasy novel/novella during the month of November. I’m hoping to publish this on Amazon some time next year, once it’s had a thorough editing, of course. As I still have last years NaNo novel sat on my computer, unedited, this might be a little optimistic…

But, positive thoughts – I will get it done! 😀

Because of Nano, though, my time on the blog at the moment is very limited. Today I’m hoping to hit at least 38,000 words (I’m currently at 37,141), which will place me only 2000 words behind the daily target of 40,00o. As I’m not a particularly fast writer I’m spending pretty much every spare moment tapping away at my laptop. I am very determined to hit that 50,000 mark by the end of November!

So, to everyone who has visited, liked or commented on posts recently, thank you very much. It’s greatly appreciated. I will try to get back to everybody as soon as possible.


And Happy Thanksgiving to anyone over in America. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Web of Light

  1. Good luck! Sounds like you’re on schedule. I’m writing steampunkish fantasy as well. Someone told me that’s called magitech. I swap back and forth.

    I’d love to see what your world is like. Since we’re in both in a pretty narrow genre, it would be cool to see how our worlds compare and contrast.


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