Breathe You In

Photo Prompt – Dominik Martin

Sometimes he could feel her lips upon his, a caress so familiar he expected to see her when he opened his eyes. They used to joke that they needed each other more than air. As he gasped for breath, feeling closer to her than to his mortal flesh, he wondered if they’d been right.

This post is for Sonya’s Three Line Tales. This week’s prompt is by Dominik Martin.

I’m probably not going to be on my blog very much for the next few weeks as I’ve decided to join in with NaNoWriMo again this year, this time working on an YA steampunk fantasy novella. It was a bit of a last minute decision – mainly because I still have last year’s NaNo-novel sitting on my computer, waiting to be edited! Hopefully this one won’t be in quite so much of a mess at the end of the month’s writing…

I’ll try to put up a few photography posts, and maybe a poem or two, but I don’t know whether I’ll manage much else.

Just in case I don’t manage to visit the blog at all, see you all in December!

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