

fragile gems

draped in elegant purity

amidst an array of

elusive dreams

interlaced with droplets

of shimmering starlight

in celebration of

the morning


This post is for both the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge, with the theme H2O, and Cee’s Black and White challenge, with the theme liquid. The pictures were taken on a very misty morning down in the meadow, when the little trees were festooned with dewdrop covered spiderwebs.


I hope you like them.

25 thoughts on “Droplets

  1. Perfectly lovely, Louise. Great interpretation of the theme! I was just noticing so many gorgeous cobwebs the other day dancing in the morning foggy light. They were glowing! I didn’t have my camera with me and I find cobwebs to be fickle subjects. Great captures.

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    1. I rarely go anywhere without my camera these days. I know that if I do I’ll spot something that I really want to photograph! Thanks for visiting, Carrie. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

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