The Flying Banana

Photo Prompt – © Wolf Shram

Each weekend they’d piled into the backseat, little ones on older siblings laps, ready for an adventure. It had been part of their family: the Flying Banana, the greatest car in the world. Which was why, despite being told it was only good for the scrapheap, the rusting wreck continued to sit in their garage – some day the banana would fly again.

This post is for Sonya’s Three Line Tales.

For anyone who’s curious, the name ‘Flying Banana’ was the nickname my grandad gave his bright yellow car, back when my mum was young. When I was little we had a car we called Brown Cow, which all six of us kids would sit in the back of. It was a bit of a shock to us when the rear seat-belt law was introduced!

12 thoughts on “The Flying Banana

  1. It looks like the same color of yellow our little Gremlin car was. A very bold yellow. But we loved it….at least I did, but I wouldn’t choose that color today!


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