Beautiful Dawn

Dawn Daisy

Awakening touch

Virginal blossom caressed

Before bees arise

Dawn Daisy 2.jpg

Today’s pictures were taken at the wildflower meadow on a beautiful June dawn. Yes, after months (possibly even years) of saying I was going to go out at dawn to photograph, I finally did it! And it was an enchanting experience.

As I watched the sun slowly extend its touch over the meadow, I found the lack of bees and other insects quite noticeable. Every other time I’ve been photographing the flowers (much later in the day) they were everywhere.

I’ve already shared most of the pictures from the morning on my Changing Seasons post but here are a final handful  of shots of dawn lit daisies.


23 thoughts on “Beautiful Dawn

  1. Your photographs are amazing! And how memorable to go out in the beautiful dawn and be amongst all that 😃💜

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    1. Thank you. I’m very glad you like them. 🙂 It was a wonderful experience! Sorry for my delay in replying – I’m taking part in CampNanoWriMo this month and so not on my blog as much as usual.

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    1. Thanks, Ali. I started my blog as a platform for my writing so I like to include something with my photography whenever possible! I’m very glad you like them. 🙂

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    1. I’m exactly the same. I’ve said so many times that I’m going to get up in time to photograph the dawn but always seem to miss it! I only managed it this time by not actually going to bed! Thanks for visiting, Natalie. 🙂

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    1. Thanks, Cybele. 🙂 The meadow looks lovely filled with daisies – I think I probably spent more time there in June than I did at home! The threat to the bee populations is very worrying.

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