TLT: Waiting

Photo prompt – © Rosan Harmans


“Why are you here?” he asked, even though he knew the answer.

“I’m waiting for you.” Her heels clunked against the cabinet in a familiar rhythm. “I’ll wait forever if I have to.”

“I won’t be long now.” Ephemeral fingers traced his aged cheek before she faded from view.

This post is for Sonya’s Three Line Tales challenge. I’ve interpreted the ‘three lines’ instruction a little more loosely this week – it’s three lines of dialogue with accompanying descriptions. 🙂

25 thoughts on “TLT: Waiting

    1. For some reason the ‘Show Like Button’ was off. :S I’ve just turned it back on again. Thank you for mentioning it, Chioma – I would have just assumed people didn’t like it!

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    1. One of the things I love so much about flash fiction is that their brevity means so much is left open to the reader’s interpretation. I hadn’t even thought of that possibility myself but I like it! I’m glad you enjoyed the read, Ali. 🙂

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