FFfAW: Breaking the Silence

This post is for the Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers (FFfAW) Challenge, run by Priceless Joy.  The FFfAW challenge is that you write a story of 75-175 words inspired by the photo prompt below. This week’s prompt is from Pixabay.

Photo Prompt from Pixabay

Breaking the Silence

Edan’s steps faltered, halting his furtive progress as faint strains of music reached his ears. His breath caught in his throat, eyes falling briefly closed as he listened. It had been so long…

Such sounds had once been commonplace, although Edan’s recollections were vague: listening to music whilst his mother danced, cheerfully banging on instruments with friends. Clearer were memories of massive bonfires consuming the seditious items beneath the new regime’s watchful gaze.

Remembering the danger, he opened his eyes, glancing quickly around. Hopefully no one else had heard the forbidden noise. But the streets were empty. Deserted. It was past curfew, after all – few citizens were foolish enough to risk the Council’s wrath by venturing out after dark. Even fewer were willing to risk breaking the laws against music.

Everyone knew: there were always ears listening.

He didn’t make a conscious decision to follow the melodic cascade of notes; he was drawn, inexorably, onwards. The music set fire to his rebellious spirit.

A single certainty consumed him – he needed to find the musician responsible.

Word Count: 175

To read the other entries, click the little blue frog!



22 thoughts on “FFfAW: Breaking the Silence

  1. A world with out music horrible! I can see why he’d be so drawn to the notes and need to find where they come from. Great job!


    1. I’m glad you liked it, Ali. 🙂 Fahrenheit 451 is one of those novels that has been on my to read list for a long time now – somehow I never seem to get around to it!


    1. Thanks, Chioma. 🙂 I think it was probably banned because of the role it so often plays in political and social activism. Music is the universal language, after all, and there are few better ways to affect the emotions and opinions of large groups of people. I’m glad you enjoyed the story. 🙂

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