FFfAW: Gifts

This post is for the Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers (FFfAW) Challenge, run by Priceless Joy.  The FFfAW challenge is that you write a story of 75-175 words inspired by the photo prompt below. This week’s prompt was provided by Ady. Thank you Ady!

Photo Prompt: © Ady
Photo Prompt: © Ady


“Thompson here yet?”

Billy jumped, squawking in surprise at the sound of Rafe’s voice. His wings unfurled, lifting him briefly off the ground. With his nerves already taut, his friend’s cat-like approach was enough to set his heart racing.

“No,” he finally replied. “You sure he knows to meet here?”

Rafe didn’t respond, merely cast an exasperated glance in his direction. Billy flushed. He knew they’d all received the same message. The brightly decorated bench was a place they all knew only too well. Despite his gift of speed, Thompson was – unsurprisingly – late.

As the sun reached its pinnacle, the glow of the opening portal indicated their wait was over.

“I’m sure I granted gifts to three of you.” The lilting voice twined hypnotically around Billy’s senses, easing his nerves.

“I’m here! Sorry.” Thompson skidded to a stop, eyes locked on the ethereal figure emerging from the light.

“Good,” the Fae Queen said, smiling gently. “Follow me.”

For twenty years they’d enjoyed their gifts: flight, stealth and speed. Now it was time to repay their benefactor.

Word Count: 175

To read the other entries, click the little blue frog!



31 thoughts on “FFfAW: Gifts

  1. Oh! This is good! She gave the three of them “gifts” and now they have to repay her for them. I wonder what that “repayment” will be? This is intriguing! Love it! Wonderful story, Louise. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It might, indeed. 🙂 I’m currently working on a collection of flash fiction / short stories for publishing on Amazon. I’m planning to include lengthened and edited versions of some of the stories I’ve posted on the blog – this one may well end up in there!


      2. Thanks. I will. 🙂 I noticed the sign on your blog about pictures. I’ve got some in a folder somewhere, ready and waiting for you, that I’ll dig out.


  2. Oh, great story, love your take on the promt! 🙂 I wonder what will she ask from them for those amazing gifts?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, it has to be equivalent to the pleasure they’ve had enjoying their gift! 😉


  3. Ooh please tell me you’re planning on expanding this idea because there’s so much potential here. I’d love to read on to see how they’re going to repay the Queen!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If I do expand it it won’t be on my blog, I’m afraid. Any lengthened flashes are going into a collection for Amazon that I hope to have up this year. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.

      Liked by 1 person

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