FFfAW: Tubby

This post is for the Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers (FFfAW) Challenge, run by Priceless Joy. The challenge is that you write a story of 75-175 words inspired by the picture prompt below which this week was provided by me. I hope you like it.

Photo Prompt: © The Storyteller's Abode
Photo Prompt: © The Storyteller’s Abode


Tubby liked to watch the people as they ambled by; liked to listen to the conversations of the men and women, the excited chatter of the children. It was such a pleasant atmosphere – so very different to years past.

Change had crept through the district in steady increments, the place metamorphosing from struggling fishing village to the tourist honeypot it was now. As time passed the rundown cottages were transformed into fine hotels, teashops and restaurants. The area was practically unrecognisable.

“Can’t you try to enjoy yourself?” The woman’s voice carried down the lane. “We’re on holiday. We’re supposed to be having fun.”

Her companion’s seething resentment was an almost palpable force; the woman’s irritation almost as strong. Tubby winced as their emotions hit him and automatically began to direct a sense of calm in their direction as he sought the root of their issues.

The man sighed, taking the woman’s hand. “I’m sorry, dear…” Their voices faded as they walked on.

Tubiel, the Angel of Summer, smiled. Some days he loved his job.

Word Count: 174



To read the other entries, click the little blue frog!

In case anyone is curious, the photograph was taken in Bowness-on-Windermere last time I visited the Lake District (Cumbria, UK). The town of Bowness was just a small fishing settlement until the 19th century when it began to rely on tourism as its main source of income. If you’d like to know more about the place you can have a look here or here.

Tubiel is actually the name of the Angel of Summer according to this website.

34 thoughts on “FFfAW: Tubby

  1. Great story. I like that Tubby is the angel of summer and that she likes her job even though her companion seems to be kind of annoying and mean. Thanks for telling us about the photo. I was wondering where that was. Many places seem to have kind of an old part of town so that’s what I thought. It is a beautiful picture and I would love to visit it. lol.


    1. You’re welcome. I have some more pictures to send you sometime, as well. 🙂 It’s a lovely part of the country to visit – though at the moment many of the towns there are suffering from dreadful flooding after the recent storms. 😦


      1. I’m trying to get through the photos that I have now, then I will be asking for more photos. That’s too bad that area is going through flooding right now. Hopefully, it won’t do too much damage.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Let me know when you’re ready for them. 🙂 I’ve been trying to find some nice, colourful pics as you mentioned a while ago that that was what you wanted if possible.
        Unfortunately at the moment it’s not looking too good for many areas of Cumbria, though lots of people are rallying around to help them. There’s been one town in the news today that had just started to clean up from one flood when they were hit by a second. Hopefully the storms will stop rolling in soon and they can start the real cleaning and repairs.


    1. You’re welcome. I’d hate to leave everyone completely in the dark about the picture! I think everyone needs a Tubby in their life. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sweet story! I’m glad Tubby was able to help the couple get back in the holiday spirit. I wonder if Tubby has a winter nemesis who makes people grumpy?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you liked it, Ali. 🙂 There probably is! Alternately it could be a parallel figure who brings cheer during the winter months… I’m thinking of someone with a bushy white beard and a red coat. 😀

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  3. A lovely angelic story. 🙂 Thanks for supplying the photo and introducing the place, and Tubby too! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aw, cute story! Would love to meet Tubby 🙂 Thanks also for the information about the picture, I was wondering where it was taken!


  5. Every tourist place could use a bit of Tubby action to stop people from fighting when they should be enjoying themselves. Lovely story! Oh, and thanks for the inspiring photo 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tubby does what he can but unfortunately he can’t be everywhere at once! I’m very glad you like both the story and picture. 🙂


  6. Fortunately, Tubiel is a very patient and understanding Angel of Summer….which I would imagine every Angel is, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t a challenge. The couple are blessed and probably do not even know it. Very enjoyable story. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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