FFfAW: The Call of the Stones

This post is for the Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers (FFfAW) Challenge, run by Priceless Joy. This week’s photo prompt was provided by me! Thank you PJ for choosing it. The challenge is that you write a story of 75-175 words inspired by the photo prompt below. I hope you like it.

Photo Prompt - © The Storyteller's Abode
Photo Prompt – © The Storyteller’s Abode

The Call of The Stones

The obelisks buzzed with a contained energy Bea could sense from miles away – it had been a constant hum for years, faint and distracting in the back of her mind. She drew a ragged breath, her footsteps slowing as she neared the field. She’d hoped to never be so close again.

She’d almost managed to forget the sensation that fizzed beneath her skin, tempting with an addiction worse than any drug. It was an addiction to which she’d submitted for too long ; her liberation had only followed months of withdrawal. She shivered in remembrance before forcing herself to approach the stones.

If she could have stayed away, she would have.

Her Mimi, her little girl, was sick. Dying. The doctors couldn’t do anything to save her. But she knew… With the power of the stones she could heal her – she’d performed equal magics in the past. It would only take a little bit. She could handle a little bit. She hoped.

After all, it was the only way.

She was sure it was.

Word Count: 175

You would have thought that, seeing as the photo prompt this week was my own, I’d have found this an easy one to write for – unfortunately, that was not the case! The problem wasn’t that I couldn’t come up with an idea.  I just couldn’t come up with one that I could write in only 175 words! Ah well, at least I now have another half dozen short stories added to my ‘to be completed’ file…



33 thoughts on “FFfAW: The Call of the Stones

  1. What a sacrifice the mother is making for her daughter. Perhaps, she will find her powers are not as bad as she thinks they are.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you’re right, otherwise Bea’s life is going to be getting rough. Her love for her daughter is greater than her fear of the effects of the power, however. Thanks for visiting. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful story! Believing is the major hurtle for her, and I’m under the impression that she does believe, but just a bit hesitant. I hope she suceeds!


  3. Anything which lifts the senses could be described as a drug. Very well written story!


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