Blog Tour Award

I’ve been nominated by Francesca over at A Smith’s World to take part in the Blog Tour Award. I was also nominated by Yinglan at A Simple Life a few weeks ago but unfortunately didn’t spot it until too late to participate. A big ‘thank you’ to both of you for thinking of tour award

The Rules:

  • Compose a one-time post on a specific Monday (date given from your nomination – I was given April 20th)
  • Give them the rules and a specific Monday to post by. On this occasion, next Monday will be Monday, 27th April so I am going to ask that my nominees post on that date.
  • Pass the tour on up to four other bloggers.
  • Answer four questions about your creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires you to do what you do.

The Questions:

What are you working on at the moment?

If you include the flash fic’s that have grown into potential novels, the poetry collection and the short story anthology that I’m trying to put together, I’m working on so many different things its difficult to keep track of them all! There are two main things I’m supposed to be focussing on, however: my Enchanted Forest children’s stories and Wildwood. I’ve talked about and shared my children’s stories on here a few times now so today I’m going to talk about Wildwood. This is a series of books that I’ve been working on for a very long time, though it’s changed hugely over the years, and is such a mammoth project that I often wonder whether ‘I’ve bitten off more than I can chew’. It spans thousands of years, from neolithic times (approx. 4000BC) through to the modern day Britain and involves time travel and a lot of weirdness.

How does your work differ from others in your genre?

Hopefully through the two central characters. Wildwood is a mix of fantasy and historical but the characters are a little different to most you find in these genres. One experiences time slower than other people; the other experiences it faster. The first is generally seen as being a genius as he has more time to process things, the other is thought of as slow and simple. The way they see and interact with the world gives interesting viewpoints. Hopefully. I’m also hoping that the folklore elements add a different twist…

Why do you write or create what you do?

I love writing and creating stories. I couldn’t not do it. The ideas come into my head and I just have to explore them and see where they’ll lead.

How does your writing/creative process work?

I always write first in a notepad, usually when I’m alone. The words flow better when I’m in solitude. I then type up and edit whatever I’ve written. I don’t usually write chronologically – especially not Wildwood. With the story spanning such a huge amount of time and with time travel involved, I want it all to fit together. I’ll often follow a thematic thread and write a number of linked scenes from across the series. Even within a chapter I’ll write scenes from all over the place and then put them together like a jigsaw. Once I have them in the right order I’ll write through them, linking them together and editing as I go.

My Nominees: 

The Dune Mouse aka Cybele Moon



Richard Ankers

23 thoughts on “Blog Tour Award

  1. The series of books you are working on sound very interesting. I hope you complete them, for they would definitely be on my reading list (mixing folklore in with a story is great). I also understand the “bitten off more than I can chew” thought, it can be a nag at times, but the best thing to do is continue onwards.
    Thank you for accepting the Award and taking the time to answer the questions!


  2. It’s interesting to read what everyone is working on how they go about their writing process. Congrats on the award. Your Wildwood series sounds intriguing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. 🙂 Unfortunately, because of the way I write, Book 1 is unlikely to be completed any time soon. I have got quite a lot of Book 4 written though…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So many thanks Louise – I just saw this- I am very honoured that you thought of me – but sadly I have had to go out of town this last while more frequently and so my blogging has been a bit more sporadic. I will have to pass on this one – but again thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome. 🙂 And don’t worry about passing – I thought I’d be doing so myself until last minute! I hope you have more time to blog soon.

      Liked by 1 person

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